427 Tuam Street, Phillipstown, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 381 1818
- Monday: 11am - 1am
- Tuesday: 11am - 1am
- Wednesday: 11am - 1am
- Thursday: 11am - 1am
- Friday: 11am - 3am
- Saturday: 11am - 3am
- Sunday: 11am - 1am
- Spa pool
- Sauna room
- Steam room
- Hot and cold showers
- 2 x coffee bar stations
- Filtered chilled water fountain
- Tuck Shop with hot food, cold drinks, munchies
- 72 personal lockers
- Hairdryer
- Free extra towel
- Phone charging station
- 2 x high-speed internet PCs
- Outdoor heated garden
- St Andrews Cross with wrist/ankle restraints
- Dungeon with sling, stocks
- Two movie lounges
- Sling with observation window